Haunted Bonnie Springs Ranch.

Located just outside the glitz and excess of the Las Vegas strip sits a plot of land that takes visitors to another time and place. That land is known as the Haunted Bonnie Springs Ranch. The ranch has much more to offer than just ghosts or spirits from another time. However, the undead who still reside on the ranch will be the focus of this episode of The Grave Talks.

Ghosts of The Wild West

The Bonnie Springs Ranch was originally built in 1843 as a stopover for the wagon trains going to California. In 1958 Bonnie McGaugh and Al Levinson resurrected the ranch and opened it to the public as a tourist attraction. Stables, petting zoo, and a restaurant were added to the land. To make the experience even more authentic and Old Town built as a reproduction of an 1880s mining community was also put on the Bonnie Springs Ranch. Many of the buildings, originals from surrounding communities. Restored and saved from destruction at their original locations. Later a functioning saloon, shops, wax museum, wedding chapel and replica schoolhouse was added to the ranch. With so many structures and objects of the past, from so many places, coming together, its no wonder paranormal activity skyrocketed at the Bonnie Springs Ranch.

Who Haunts The Ranch?

There is not one lone soul roaming the property. In fact, it could be argued that there may be more former living on the property at any given time than current. The ghost of a school girl roams the grounds. As well as a finicky old gentleman who wants nothing to do with the living and seeks his privacy on the other side. This is just a fraction of the activity tracked and recorded by those who have investigated the ranch over the years. Time has moved on, but many souls have not from the Bonnie Springs Ranch.

Episode Links: Bonnie Springs Ranch

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